Disguised as a comment to this entry you can find an extract of present year's syllabus. I've cut here and there to avoid repetition but, yes, it is really bo-o-oring. But I think some parts are worth your attention, specially the ones about ""Objetivos" y "Criterios de evaluación".

1 comment:

Julio said...


CURSO 2008-2009

Procedimientos específicos del cuarto curso
1. Comprensión de la intención del emisor tanto en textos orales como escritos.
2. Inferencia de los significados de informaciones desconocidas en textos mediante la interpretación de elementos lingüísticos.
3. Uso de las convenciones propias de la comunicación oral natural en tareas de simulación.
4. Reflexión sobre las formas de mejorar las producciones propias tanto orales como escritas.
5. Transferencia de informaciones de un código a otro.
6. Valoración de la corrección formal en la producción de mensajes orales y escritos.
7. Producción de textos orales y escritos que contengan elementos de cohesión y coherencia.
8. Estructuración y organización en párrafos de las ideas que quieren transmitirse.

Conceptos específicos del cuarto curso
A. Elementos funcionales y gramaticales de la lengua.
1. Describir y comparar hábitos y estilos de vida. Expresar gustos y preferencias.
2. El presente simple y el continuo.
3. Used to + infinitivo.
4. Expresar acontecimientos pasados relacionados con el presente o con un pasado anterior.
5. El pretérito simple y el continuo.
6. El pretérito perfecto simple: for, since, already, yet, etc.
7. Los marcadores del discurso.
8. Hacer predicciones y manifestar intenciones. Expresar la certeza y la probabilidad.
9. Will.
10. Be going to + infinitivo / el presente continuo.
11. Las frases temporales y las frases condicionales del tipo I.
12. May / Might / Can / Can’t, etc.
13. Expresar las preferencias y las opiniones. Aceptar y rechazar invitaciones.
14. Los pronombres interrogativos.
15. I like / enjoy / hate+ –ing form / It’ s too, etc.
16. Los conectores: and, but, because, so, such, both, etc.
17. El comparativo y el superlativo.
18. Expresar hipótesis y hacer recomendaciones.
19. Las oraciones condicionales de tipo II.
20. Should.
21. Transmitir las opiniones y las ideas de los demás.
22. El estilo indirecto.
23. Las expresiones temporales.
24. Expresar los procesos y los cambios.
25. La voz pasiva.
26. Describir e identificar los objetos, los lugares y las personas.
27. Los pronombres relativos.
28. Las frases de relativo especificativas.

B. Léxico
1. El léxico relacionado con los temas tratados: las relaciones personales y sociales, el ocio, los sentimientos, los lugares, etc.
2. Fórmulas y expresiones.

C. Fonética
1. La pronunciación de los fonemas con especial dificultad.
2. La pronunciación de las contracciones.
3. La pronunciación de las terminaciones de las diferentes formas verbales.
4. Las formas débiles.
5. La acentuación de palabras y frases.
6. La entonación de frases.
7. El ritmo.

Aspectos socioculturales
1. Análisis de los aspectos socioculturales más relevantes de los países donde se habla la lengua extranjera.
2. Utilización contextualizada de las normas y de los hábitos de conducta de estos países en las relaciones con los nativos y en situaciones de representación y simulación.
3. Comparación de determinados aspectos de las formas de vida de los países donde se habla la lengua extranjera con nuestra forma de vida.
4. Utilización de los conocimientos adquiridos de la lengua y cultura extranjeras para interpretar los mensajes presentes en el medio (anuncios en diarios, en establecimientos públicos, etc.).
5. Aprovechamiento de materiales orales, escritos e icónicos auténticos, procedentes de distintas fuentes, con la finalidad de obtener las informaciones deseadas.
6. Adquisición de una perspectiva más amplia para con otras realidades que le permitan un análisis crítico de los comportamientos socioculturales que implican una discriminación o un rechazo.

Actitudes específicas de cuarto curso
1. Interés por identificar las perspectivas socioculturales en las noticias o temas de actualidad que transmiten los diferentes medios de comunicación.
2. Respeto por las diferencias de opinión sobre temas de interés y comprender las diferentes perspectivas socioculturales.
3. Disposición favorable para entender y hacerse entender en la lengua extranjera, respetando los estilos formales e informales de acuerdo con los diferentes interlocutores.

Contenidos transversales
Todo proceso educativo transmite unos determinados valores culturales y/o sociales, los cuales se ponen de manifiesto en las finalidades formativas que se persiguen. La formación integral de la personalidad del alumnado supone tener en cuenta el desarrollo, no tan sólo de los aspectos intelectuales, sino también de los corporales, los sociales, los afectivos y los éticos y morales.
Eso implica que el currículo no puede centrarse exclusivamente en los contenidos conceptuales, ya que así no podría favorecerse el desarrollo global del alumnado. Se hace necesario, pues, diseñar un currículo que se relacione con experiencias de la vida real que los alumnos puedan experimentar en su entorno y con los demás, en el cual los contenidos procedimentales y actitudinales no se subordinen a los conceptuales.

Criterios de evaluación
Específicos de cuarto curso:
1. Extraer la información global y específica, las ideas principales y secundarias en mensajes orales sobre temas familiares para el alumno, o bien relacionados con aspectos de la vida cotidiana de la cultura y de la sociedad de los países donde se habla la lengua extranjera y en mensajes escritos auténticos de diferentes tipos (descriptivos, narrativos, argumentativos, explicativos), diferenciando los hechos de las opiniones e identificando los argumentos principales expuestos por el autor.
2. Participar en conversaciones y utilizar las estrategias adecuadas para iniciar, mantener y hacer progresar la comunicación, haciendo uso de un discurso comprensible y adaptado a las características de la situación y la intención de comunicación.
3. Leer de manera autónoma diferentes tipos de materiales de acuerdo con la intención del lector (consulta, búsqueda de información, lectura intensiva, disfrute...).
4. Producir textos escritos de acuerdo con diferentes intenciones comunicativas y respetar los elementos que aseguran la cohesión y la coherencia del texto y que facilitan que el lector los comprenda.
5. Utilizar de forma consciente los conocimientos adquiridos sobre el sistema lingüístico de la lengua extranjera como instrumento de control y de autocorrección de las producciones propias y como recurso para comprender las ajenas.
6. Reflexionar sobre las regularidades y las excepciones propias del sistema lingüístico de la lengua extranjera.
7. Mostrar un grado suficiente de conocimiento de los conceptos relacionados con las funciones del lenguaje, los elementos lingüísticos, los formatos y las características de los textos, la cohesión y la coherencia del discurso.
8. Incorporar de manera consciente los mecanismos de aprendizaje utilizados anteriormente (hacer deducciones, inducciones, clasificar, categorizar, formar palabras) en situaciones de aprendizaje nuevas.
9. Identificar e interpretar las referencias culturales con la ayuda de las claves lingüísticas y no lingüísticas que faciliten su comprensión.
10. Reconocer los elementos socioculturales en las informaciones que se transmiten en los medios de comunicación sobre acontecimientos de la actualidad.
11. Mostrar sentido crítico, reflexivo y respetuoso ante las diferencias de opinión basadas en diferencias socioculturales.
12. Valorar positivamente el enriquecimiento que otras culturas aportan a la nuestra, y a la inversa, y las ventajas que ofrecen los intercambios interculturales.

ORIENTACIONES METODOLÓGICAS :Aprendizaje significativo
El enfoque que ha de inspirar las orientaciones didácticas para esta etapa es de carácter comunicativo. La meta ha de ser conseguir que los alumnos se comuniquen en la lengua extranjera. Eso hace necesario facilitar al alumnado datos e informaciones que le resulten comprensibles. Hay que partir del bagaje que los alumnos llevan consigo en el aula en cuanto a su conocimiento del entorno, el mundo, la cultura, y también de la lengua, para aprovecharlo dentro del aula, de manera que el aprendizaje sea significativo para ellos. Es importante ofrecer oportunidades de aprendizaje en las cuales los alumnos pongan en práctica su competencia comunicativa y que se den situaciones de aprendizaje que activen los conocimientos adquiridos y especificados en el currículo. Las situaciones de comunicación en el aula han de representar situaciones de la vida cotidiana que sean familiares para el alumnado, donde se recojan los aspectos socioculturales asociados, de manera que requieran un uso constante y real de la lengua extranjera.
El enfoque metodológico del área consiste en la consideración del aprendizaje de la lengua como un proceso de negociación de significados y de comunicación interpersonal.

La evaluación ha de ser un proceso continuado, que ha de permitir al profesorado comprobar el grado de consecución de los objetivos del área para cada uno de los alumnos y no sólo el nivel relativo de la clase. La evaluación es una parte integral del proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje, lo que implica que no puede limitarse al final del proceso.
En un primer momento habrá que conocer cuál es el nivel de conocimiento lingüístico del alumnado, así como sus expectativas y actitudes para con el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera. Este análisis de necesidades es lo que se llama evaluación inicial, que ha de facilitarnos la adecuación de la programación para atender a la diversidad de los alumnos y hacer un seguimiento individualizado.
Durante el proceso ha de comprobarse cuál es el estadio de aprendizaje de cada uno de los alumnos para valorar los efectos de la acción del profesorado y para introducir aquellos ajustes que haga falta en relación con las necesidades que los alumnos manifiesten. Es lo que se llama evaluación formativa. Para cerrar el proceso, hay que conocer cuál ha sido el grado de consecución de las capacidades descritas en los objetivos establecidos. Se trata de la evaluación sumativa o final.
Es fundamental que los alumnos conozcan desde el comienzo cuáles son las capacidades que se pretenden desarrollar —los objetivos— y también de qué forma se llevará a cabo la evaluación.
Hay que tener en cuenta que los instrumentos de evaluación no pueden limitarse a la calificación de unas pruebas, sino que hará falta utilizar otros de acuerdo con aquello que se pretenda evaluar, como por ejemplo: diarios de los alumnos, cuestionarios, grabaciones, observaciones de aula, discusiones.
El alumnado ha de tomar parte activa en el proceso de evaluación. La reflexión que éste hace sobre su propia actuación y su progreso, mediante la autoevaluación, hará que se responsabilice de su proceso de aprendizaje y tome conciencia de que lo que importa es lo que él aprende, y no tanto lo que el profesor le enseña.




1. To recognise familiar vocabulary and to increase the students’ word list with new words and phrases.
2. To use the target language orally and in the written form.
3. To extract information from recordings in order to be able to answer questions and complete gapped texts.
4. To be able to identify the word stress and pronounce words with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
5. To identify the topic of a text before reading and share ideas with the class.
6. To achieve an acceptable level of understanding when reading texts which cover both general and specific understanding.
7. To plan and write an article based on a model, using the target vocabulary and language.
8. To use different resources in order to obtain information and present it as a project either individually or in groups.
9. To reflect upon the meaning and appropriate use of grammatical structures depending on the requirements of each situation.
10. To use ICT resources to achieve information, which they later share with the rest of the class.
11. To encourage interest in and comparison between events in an English speaking country and the students’ own countries using English.


- Speaking and conversation
- Talking about fashion, describing people in photos.
- Dialogues to review uses of present simple and present continuous.
- Interviews using the text in the book as a model.
- Planning a weekend for visitors using picture prompts and target language.
- Listening
- Completing an advertisement with specific information.
- Ordering a conversation between friends about a weekend activity.
- Completing a leaflet about summer courses with specific information.
- Phonetics and sounds
- Activities to practise pronunciation and to use the correct intonation and appropriate rhythm when making suggestions and stating preferences.

- Reading and writing
- Reading
- Reading and comprehension questions based on fashion tribes.
- An interview with a teenager and a cloze activity.
- Development of reading for personal enrichment.
- Writing
- Summarising the results of a question and answers pairwork activity.
- A dialogue between friends planning a weekend of activities, using the target language and the model from the text.
- An article about inspirational people, focusing on paragraph structure and the use of headings.

- Knowledge of the language and reflection
- Grammar
- Review of present simple and present continuous.
- Review of relative pronouns and adverbs.
- Vocabulary and Phonetics
- Clothes related vocabulary, adjectives describing clothes, free time activities, suggestions and preferences, likes and dislikes.
- Intonation and pronunciation.
- ICT investigation
- Using the Internet to find out about some famous fashion styles from the past.
- Reflection on the learning process
- Model plans to organise work and improve learning.
- Study skills to help organise and remember key information and grammar points.
- Pair and group work activities.

- Socio-cultural aspects
- Culture
- Informative text and cloze activity about teenagers’ free time activities in two English speaking countries.
- Activity to encourage students to compare the free time activities of teenagers in their country with the English speaking countries from the text.


1. To use the target language orally and in the written form.
2. To identify, use and understand the target vocabulary and structures correctly.
3. To predict and understand information from listening activities.
4. To identify the speaker in recordings and categorise the given information.
5. To identify words, expressions and basic structures in a predictable situation despite not understanding the complete message.
6. To plan and write different types of texts based on models, using the target vocabulary and language.
7. To read an extract paying attention to a specific grammatical structure.
8. To identify, learn and use the grammar rules and structures correctly.
9. To identify and pronounce correctly the phonetic sounds // and /I/.
10. To develop a positive attitude towards English and appreciate the importance of autonomous learning and self-evaluation.
11. To use and develop learning strategies and ICT resources to gain and present information.
12. To learn to show interest in the world around us using English and to encourage a positive attitude towards others.


- Speaking and comprehension
- Speaking and conversation
- Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of public transport.
- Preparing and acting out a dialogue at the train station.
- Using time adverbs and the past tense to tell a chain story.
- Listening
- Identifying public transport announcements.
- Listening to sounds to predict the storyline of a narrative text.
- Phonetics and sounds
- Identifying the phonetic sounds, // and /I/.

- Reading and writing
- Reading
- Reading text about a travel experience.
- A sentence gap-fill dialogue at the train station.
- Reading text for grammar focus purposes.
- Paragraph ordering of a narrative text.
- Writing
- An account of a bad travel experience.
- A short story called A lucky Escape.
- An Internet forum about a better transport system.

- Knowledge of the language and reflection
- Grammar
- Review of past simple, past perfect and past continuous.
- Adverbs of time, degree and manner.
- Gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
- Vocabulary and Phonetics
- Transport, at the airport, at the train station, miss and lose, sailing.
- The phonetic sounds, // and /I/.
- ICT investigation
- Using the Internet to find out about road safety.
- Reflection on the learning process
- Model plans to organise work and improve learning.
- Study skills to help organise and remember key information and grammar points.
- Pair and group work activities.

- Socio-cultural aspects
- Culture
- Text about public transport in London.
- Producing a text about transport in the students’ country using the text about London as a model.


1. To acquire the vocabulary necessary to be able to understand and express facts and opinions.
2. To recognise familiar vocabulary and to increase the students’ word list with new words and phrases.
3. To extract specific information from listening activities.
4. To be able to identify the word stress and pronounce words with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
5. To achieve an acceptable level of understanding when reading texts which cover both general and specific understanding.
6. To plan and write a text based on a model, using the target vocabulary and language.
7. To identify, learn and use the grammar rules and structures correctly.
8. To reflect upon the meaning and appropriate use of the grammatical structures from this and previous units depending on the requirements of each situation.
9. To use ICT resources to achieve information, which they can later share with the rest of the class.
10. To value the importance of learning a foreign language and the possibility it gives one to know and understand the history of different cultures and traditions.


- Speaking and comprehension
- Speaking and conversation
- Using target language to discuss the most important factors when choosing a job.
- Using photo prompts to provoke ideas about people’s daily routine.
- Classifying adjectives describing personality into positive and negative qualities.
- Inventing quiz questions about famous people before fame.
- Talking about ways of communication.
- Producing a telephone conversation using formal language.
- Listening
- Listening to someone talking about what they used to do on holiday as a child.
- Ordering sentences in a telephone conversation and discussing register (formal and informal).
- Phonetics and sounds
- Activities to practise pronunciation and to use the correct intonation and appropriate rhythm in formal and informal telephone conversations.

- Reading and writing
- Reading
- Job advertisements with related comprehension questions.
- A quiz about famous people before fame, and a focus on the target language.
- Writing
- A short article about an interesting profession.
- Using the target language of used to and would to write about primary school experiences.

- Knowledge of the language and reflection
- Grammar
- Prepositions to, for, from, in and with.
- Review of present perfect and past simple.
- Present perfect continuous.
- Used to and would.

- Vocabulary and Phonetics
- Job related vocabulary, personality adjectives, and telephone language.
- Synonym matching with words from a text.
- Intonation and pronunciation of target language.
- ICT investigation
- Using the Internet to find out about a famous Charles Dickens’ character, Oliver Twist.
- Reflection on the learning process
- Model plans to organise work and improve learning.
- Study skills to help organise and remember key information and grammar points.
- Pair and group work activities.

- Socio-cultural aspects
- Culture
- Text about a famous British writer.
- Activities to develop curiosity and interest in the way of life in English speaking countries.
- To learn about national holidays in Britain and compare them with national holidays in the students’ regions.



1. To enrich the students’ vocabulary related to feelings and relaxation.
2. To give information and ask questions about topics related to feelings and participate in conversations and class discussions.
3. To participate in a previously prepared dialogue with a partner and act it out for the rest of the class.
4. To extract information from recordings in order to answer questions and complete gapped texts.
5. To be able to identify the word stress and pronounce words with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
6. To read, understand and extract specific information from a text.
7. To use different resources in order to obtain information and present it as a project either individually or in groups.
8. To plan and write a letter based on a model, using the target vocabulary and language.
9. To identify the form and use of the target language.
10. To reflect upon the meaning and appropriate use of the grammatical structures previously studied.
11. To be able to identify the word stress and pronounce words with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
12. To use and develop learning strategies and ICT resources to widen knowledge about a specific topic.


- Speaking and conversation
- Practising expressions with colours.
- Talking about the effect of colour on mood.
- Discussing good and bad health habits.
- Making suggestions about ways to let off steam.
- Persuading and making excuses.
- Using the target language of persuading and making excuses in a dialogue.
- Listening
- A sentences gap-fill activity: a conversation between friends about stress and how to relax.
- Listening to school situations and choosing the correct picture prompts.
- Phonetics and sounds
Activities to practise pronunciation and to use the correct intonation and appropriate rhythm when persuading and making excuses.

- Reading and writing
- Reading
- Reading a text about colour and mood for specific information.
- An advertisement for a health scheme at a secondary school.
- Writing
- Designing a healthy school menu.
- An email to a friend offering advice.
- Creating a brochure for a fun day out in the students’ town or region.

- Knowledge of the language and reflection
- Grammar
- Review of will and going to.
- Future perfect and future continuous.
- Time adverbials.
- Vocabulary and Phonetics
- Expressions with colours, health and fitness, stress and relaxation, persuading and making excuses.
- Intonation and pronunciation of target language.
- ICT investigation
- Using the Internet to find out about self-esteem and exam nerves.
- Reflection on the learning process
- Model plans to organise work and improve learning.
- Study skills to help organise and remember key information and grammar points.
- Pair and group work activities.

- Socio-cultural aspects
- Culture
- Reading about a special theme park in an English speaking country and answering comprehension questions.


1. To recognise familiar vocabulary and to increase the students’ word list with new words and phrases.
2. To make him/herself understood in an everyday situation without excessive guidance.
3. To understand and carry out instructions and participate in everyday conversations.
4. To identify the speaker in recordings and organise the information given.
5. To extract information from recordings and texts in order to answer questions and complete an exercise.
6. To be able to identify the word stress and pronounce words with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
7. To plan and write a variety of texts based on a model, using the target vocabulary and language.
8. To produce a writing plan to organise the key information.
9. To identify learn and use the grammar rules and structures correctly.
10. To use and develop learning strategies and ICT resources to widen knowledge about a specific topic.
11. To value the importance of learning a foreign language and the possibility it gives one to know and understand different cultures and traditions.


- Speaking and conversation
- Using photos to initiate conversation about holidays and holiday expenses.
- Analysing what constitutes a good holiday.
- Using information in a text to offer advice about holiday expenses.
- Giving and responding to compliments.
- Listening
- Matching short extracts to locations.
- Completing a dialogue between a customer and a shop assistant.
- A true/false exercise based on a conversation between friends about clothes.
- Phonetics and sounds
- Activities to practise pronunciation and to use the correct intonation and appropriate rhythm when paying compliments and responding to them.

- Reading and writing
- Reading
- Comprehension questions based on personal accounts of holiday costs.
- A text about fruit sculptures to focus on the target language of the passive voice.
- Writing
- Inventing a catalogue for a shop using adjectives to describe the items for sale.
- Focusing on the use of the passive in a recipe.
- Planning exercises to focus on paragraph order in an informal letter.
- A thank you letter to a friend.
- An amusing dialogue between two people using flattery.

- Knowledge of the language and reflection
- Grammar
- Prefixes over- and under-.
- Order of adjectives.
- Compound pronouns and adverbs.
- Review and further practice of the passive voice.
- Vocabulary and Phonetics
- Money related vocabulary, holiday costs, shopping, describing objects, giving and receiving compliments.
- Intonation and pronunciation of target language.
- ICT investigation
- Using the Internet to find out about how advertisements work and the language used in advertising.
- Reflection on the learning process
- Model plans to organise work and improve learning.
- Study skills to help organise and remember key information and grammar points.
- Pair and group work activities.

- Socio-cultural aspects
- Culture
- Learning about the custom of giving compliments in some English speaking countries.


1. To participate actively in short conversations producing and answering questions.
2. To participate in a previously prepared dialogue with a partner and act it out for the rest of the class.
3. To acquire the vocabulary necessary to be able to understand and express facts and opinions.
4. To extract specific information from listening activities.
5. To identify and pronounce correctly the phonetic sounds // and //.
6. To achieve an acceptable level of understanding when reading texts which cover both general and specific understanding.
7. To plan and write a letter based on a model, using the target vocabulary and language.
8. To produce a piece of writing containing key information.
9. To identify, learn and use the grammar rules and structures correctly.
10. To read a short extract paying attention to a specific grammatical structure.
11. To show self-confidence when using English and the ability to correct oneself and others in a positive way as a means of learning.
12. To use and develop learning strategies and ICT resources to widen knowledge about a specific topic.
13. To value the importance of learning a foreign language and the possibility it gives one to know and understand the history of different cultures and traditions.


- Speaking and conversation
- Talking about T.V. programmes from childhood.
- Talking about a new phase of life in the past.
- Discussing ways to close the generation gap.
- Using photo prompts to describe people’s physical features.
- Acting out a dialogue between two friends using the target language of complaining and reassuring.
- Listening
- Ordering a dialogue between two people talking about physical features.
- Listening and categorising words with the sounds // and //.
- An radio interview about plastic surgery.
- Phonetics and sounds
- Activities to practise pronunciation and to use the correct intonation and appropriate rhythm when complaining and reassuring.
- Identifying the pronunciation of // and //.

- Reading and writing
- Reading
- A text about rites of passage with examples from Mexico and China.
- Reading a text about the generation gap to focus on the use of modals.
- Writing
- A summary of a listening activity about plastic surgery.
- Focusing on informal language in short notes and emails.

- Knowledge of the language and reflection
- Grammar
- Modal review.
- Modals of deduction.
- Vocabulary and Phonetics
- Stages of life, abstract nouns, describing physical features, complaining and reassuring.
- Pronunciation and intonation of target language.
- Practice of the phonetic sounds // and //.
- ICT investigation
- A reading text about a rite of passage ritual in Australia.
- Using the Internet to find out more about Australia.
- Reflection on the learning process
- Model plans to organise work and improve learning.
- Study skills to help organise and remember key information and grammar points.
- Pair and group work activities.

- Socio-cultural aspects
- Culture
- Learning about graduation day in Britain and how it is celebrated.
- Investigating how graduation day is celebrated in the students’ own country.



1. To recognise familiar vocabulary and to increase the students’ word list with new words and phrases.
2. To give spontaneous answers in oral communication activities using prompts.
3. To be able to make choices and justify them with logical ideas.
4. To grasp the general idea in listening exercises which are based on different types of aural activities.
5. To be able to identify the word stress and pronounce words with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
6. To read, understand and extract specific information from a text.
7. To plan and write an essay based on a model, using the target vocabulary and language.
8. To identify, learn and use the grammar rules and structures correctly.
9. To realise the importance of working together in pairs or groups in oral activities to complete the activity to the best of their ability.
10. To encourage interest in and comparison between places of interest in an English speaking country and the students’ own countries using English.
11. To use ICT resources to widen knowledge about a specific topic.


- Speaking and conversation
- Talking about the weather using the target language.
- Asking how someone is and saying how you are.
- Using picture prompts to talk about where to go to have things done.
- Discussing the arguments for and against going camping using prompts.
- Listening
- Listening to sounds and matching them to a photo prompt.
- A listening activity about a skiing accident.
- A note taking activity based on a conversation between friends about camping.
- Phonetics and sounds
- Activities to practise pronunciation and to use the correct intonation and appropriate rhythm when being sympathetic.
- Stress patterns in three syllable words.

- Reading and writing
- Reading
- A text about the history of weather forecasts.
- Reading about the advantages and disadvantages of studying English abroad.
- Writing
- Using linking words to join ideas together.
- A for and against essay about summer camps.

- Knowledge of the language and reflection
- Grammar
- The causative form.
- Linking words.
- Vocabulary and Phonetics
- Stages of life, abstract nouns, describing physical features, complaining.
- Weather conditions, illness and injury.
- Stress patterns in three syllable words.
- ICT investigation
- Using the Internet to find out about hurricanes.
- Reflection on the learning process
- Model plans to organise work and improve learning.
- Study skills to help organise and remember key information and grammar points.
- Pair and group work activities.

- Socio-cultural aspects
- Culture
- Learning about two interesting tourist attractions in Northern Ireland.
- Designing a tourist information leaflet about tourist attractions in the students’ region or country.


1. To acquire the vocabulary necessary to be able to understand and express facts and opinions.
2. To make him/herself understood in a conversation without excessive guidance.
3. To participate in a previously prepared dialogue with a partner and act it out for the rest of the class.
4. To extract information from recordings in order to answer questions and complete gapped texts.
5. To read, understand and extract specific information from a text.
6. To recognise reading as an invaluable means of gaining information.
7. To plan and write a story based on a model, using the target vocabulary and language.
8. To read short extracts paying attention to a specific grammatical structure.
9. To use and develop learning strategies and ICT resources to gain and present information.
10. To realise the importance of working together in pairs or groups in oral activities to complete the activity to the best of their ability.
11. To encourage interest in and comparison between a cultural event in an English speaking country and the students’ own countries using English.


- Speaking and conversation
- A speaking activity to practise the target expressions with mind.
- Group or pair work discussion about artificial intelligence of the future.
- Discussion questions about memory.
- Using picture prompts to answer questions about regrets and wishes.
- Commenting on pictures of optical illusions using modals of deduction.
- Interpreting dreams and acting about a dialogue about dreams.
- Listening
- A cloze listening activity about how our memory works.
- A true/false listening activity about optical illusions.
- Matching sounds to verb / noun groups.
- Phonetics and sounds
- Activities to practise pronunciation and to use the correct intonation and pronunciation of target language.
- Reading and writing
- Reading
- Comprehension questions based on a text about artificial intelligence.
- Two short texts about dream interpretations.
- Writing
- Exercises to help plan a piece of narrative work.
- A story about a bad dream using descriptive language.

- Knowledge of the language and reflection
- Grammar
- Type 3 conditionals.
- Wish and if only.
- Vocabulary and Phonetics
- Expressions with mind, words related to the mind and memory, imagination, describing dreams and expressions with dream.
- Intonation and pronunciation of target language.
- ICT investigation
- Investigating more examples of optical.
- Using the Internet to find out about IQ.
- Reflection on the learning process
- Model plans to organise work and improve learning.
- Study skills to help organise and remember key information and grammar points.
- Pair and group work activities.

- Socio-cultural aspects
- Culture
- Learning about quiz shows in Britain and comparing them to similar programmes the students like or have heard of.
- Reading about how the brain works and the difference between the right side and the left side of the brain.


1. To apply learning strategies to acquire, store, recall and use both old and new target language.
2. To recognise familiar vocabulary and to increase their word lists with new words and phrases.
3. To be able to make choices and justify them with logical ideas.
4. To give information and ask questions about topics using the target language and participate in a class find someone who activity.
5. To extract information from recordings in order to answer questions and complete gapped texts or complete a dialogue.
6. To be able to identify the word stress and pronounce words with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
7. To achieve an acceptable level of understanding when reading texts which cover both general and specific understanding.
8. To read, understand and extract specific information from a text.
9. To plan and write an advertisement based on a model, using the target vocabulary and language.
10. To reflect upon the meaning and appropriate use of the grammatical structures from this and previous units depending on the requirements of each situation.
11. To identify the form and use of the target language.
12. To encourage interest in and comparison between ways of life in an English speaking country and the students’ own countries using English.


- Speaking and conversation
- Talking about experiences of education so far and hopes for the future.
- Sentence to prompt students to express their ideas about higher education and the future.
- Carrying out a find someone who activity to practise target language.
- Using word prompts to provoke conversation about courses at drama school.
- Listening
- Identifying contracted words in sentences.
- A cloze activity about a student’s experience of drama school.
- Sentence ordering activity focusing on the use of tag questions.
- Phonetics and sounds
- Practising intonation and pronunciation of target language.
- Focusing on the pronunciation of contracted words in sentences.
- Practising the use of rising and falling tone on tag questions.
- Reading and writing
- Reading
- A text about different types of vocational training.
- A close text about vocational training to review tenses.
- Short texts to review the use of real and unreal meaning.
- Writing
- A short text about the advantages and disadvantages of vocational training.
- Designing a clear and effective advertisement for a specialised course.

- Knowledge of the language and reflection
- Grammar
- A review of tenses.
- A review of real and unreal meaning.
- Tag questions.
- Vocabulary and Phonetics
- Education, noun formation, training and theatre.
- Pronunciation of contracted words in sentences.
- Rising and falling tone on questions tags.
- ICT investigation
- Using the Internet to find out about what English school children are learning in their Spanish classes.
- Reflection on the learning process
- Model plans to organise work and improve learning.
- Study skills to help organise and remember key information and grammar points.
- Pair and group work activities.

- Socio-cultural aspects
- Culture
- Learning about important exams in England.
- Discussing about the importance of learning languages.